Showcase and Branding Website Creation for Spritzza | Toulouse

Web Development, Brand Identity and User Experience

For Spritzza, a pizzeria and spritz bar in Toulouse, France, I created a showcase site that embodies their unique concept. The project included online ordering, table reservations, and happy hour promotions. Learn how a cohesive visual identity and user-friendly design have bolstered Spritzza's online presence.


Designed a showcase website and brand identity for Spritzza

Background and Goals

Spritzza, located in Toulouse at 62 rue Lancefoc, is a pizzeria and a spritz bar offering a unique experience to its customers by combining handmade pizzas and a variety of spritz cocktails. The aim of this project was to develop a showcase website that reflects the unique concept of Spritzza, while offering practical functionalities such as taking online orders for click & collect, booking tables, displaying the menu, as well as highlighting happy hours and special promotions.

Concept and Presentation

The Spritzza concept is based on a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, where customers can enjoy homemade pizza while enjoying carefully prepared spritzes. The website had to reflect his modern and welcoming ambiance through appealing visual design and intuitive features.

Key Features

1. Home page

 - Presentation of the Concept: Highlighting the unique mix between pizzeria and spritz bar, with attractive images and an inspiring description.

 - Quick Access to Main Functions: Clear navigation buttons for order taking, table reservations, menus, happy hours and promotions.

2. Click & Collect Order Taking

 - Online Ordering System: Integration of Deliverect's click & collect system, allowing customers to select pizzas and drinks, customize orders and choose a collection time.

3. Table reservation

 - Online Booking Form: System that allows customers to reserve a table by indicating the date, time and number of people.

4. Online menu

 - Menu View: Full list of pizzas, drinks, and desserts with detailed descriptions and enticing photos.

5. Happy Hour and Promotions

 - Special Offers Section: Page highlighting happy hour hours and current promotions, with details of discounts and conditions.

Design Strategy

1. Visual identity

 - Simple Brand Identity: Use of a clean brand identity that is consistent with the customer's specific colors to strengthen brand recognition.

 - Logo creation: Design a simple and memorable logo, representing the unique concept of Spritzza. The logo incorporates visual elements that recall both pizza and spritz cocktails.

 - Illustrations: Development of original and attractive illustrations to beautify the site, such as pizza icons, spritz glasses, and other decorative elements.

2. User experience (UX)

 - Intuitive navigation: Simple and straightforward navigation menu, allowing users to easily find the information and features they are looking for.

 - Responsive Design: Fully adaptable site for optimal use on computers, tablets and smartphones.

3. SEO optimization

 - Optimized Content: Use of relevant keywords to improve natural referencing and attract more visitors.

Technologies used

- Figma : Used for the design of site models, allowing the design to be visualized and adjusted before development.

- Webflow : Used for website development, offering a flexible platform for creating responsive and optimized sites without requiring intensive coding.

- Illustrator : Used for logo creation and custom illustrations, ensuring a coherent and attractive visual identity.

Expected results

With the creation of this showcase site, Spritzza aims to:

- Increase your online visibility : Attract new customers thanks to a well-referenced and visually attractive site.

- Facilitate Orders and Bookings : Offer customers a convenient platform to place orders and book tables in a few clicks.

- Promote Special Offers : Effectively inform customers about happy hours and promotions to boost sales.

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